Rachael Mah

How to overcome the top 3 risks in uncertain times?

Here is a summary of our global zoom conversation and insights on 22 April 2020:


1. We can stay connected, communicative and supportive ( to maintain good mental health, team work and communication) This is easily achievable through many online media platforms such as the zoom/skype teleconferences, whatsapp, facebook private groups, wechat business/professional/social groups. One of our favourite and proven mode of staying connected is zoom video teleconferences going forward.


2. What are our critical concerns in the current pandemic environment?


2.1Current business and social challenges:


– SME’s, sole traders and mid-tier consulting service providers are facing extra challenges due to weak cash flows, limited staff resources whilst having ongoing operational costs such as employees’ payroll, office rental, production and other business costs in view of the significant drop in business revenue of 30 t0 80% depending on the type of industry.


– F & B, health care, logistics and distribution and other essential products and services are doing well to meet the increasing demand from the local communities and businesses. – Business owners with extended family members in overseas or domestic interstate locations are feeling lonely, depressed, unsupported or being under work pressure in the medical work environment with the lack of protective gears such as face masks etc.


– SME’s, NFP’s and government offices that have no formal Business Continuity Management (BCM) plans for roll out to encompass remote working from home, additional capital and help desk team (IT and customer services) are at risk as they may not be able to continue business operations after 2-3 months of inactive business activities.


– For larger organisations whereby they have established BCM and large capital management support, may have employee engagement issues as staff may not be operating productively in their own homes due to myriad juggling of family and business- related challenges. Staff cannot be tracked easily for result focused deliverables if such remote work practices have not been implemented as part of the company’s BCM prior to this COVID-19 pandemic.


2.2 Business owners and employees have no or inadequate coaching support


– Many SME’s, corporate, NFP’s and public sector organisations do not have strong internal or external mentoring and advisory consultants, who can mentor the employees by sharing their wealth of wisdom based on cumulative decades of knowledge, skills and experiences to the younger managers and staff.


2.3 Young professionals(millennials) are more social responsibility focused.


– They are choosing careers with work and opportunities to add value to social causes. There is insufficient environmentally friendly type of mission and goals  within established organisations, SME’s; NFP’s and the public sector.


2.4 More career opportunities to the younger employees should be based on reward /shareholding incentives.


They no longer focus on loyal years of employment with a single firm. Instead, the focus in on how to deliver the key objectives that can attain the biggest rewards (financial and non-financial) including fulfillment in specific projects that is of great interest and challenge to the younger employees.


Current and future job roles should be by projects and key objectives and staff are rewarded based on individual outcomes and team performance. Lots more contract projects and consulting type of employment will be the focus of the future for all types of industries.


2.5 TIME is Gold! Current and new employees and leaders of our future generations are time focused. They want fulfilment and freedom on top of fast track career progression and large rewards as they prefer to hone on their key talents to deliver value-based outcomes instead of exchanging time for money!


Long term sustainability: We need to be more value based focused, agile and adaptable in the business, work and social environment. This will ensure that we can help our future generations of employees and leaders to thrive and succeed whilst they enjoy flexible time, financial and non-financial rewards and social lives.


Good news!!!


We are offering the two most important core progarams that you and your teams will benefit :


1. Business and professional development skills 


2. Good risk management framework and global best practices and processes.


Each program will encompass:


1. Group coaching (web teleconferences)


2. Group support (private Q & A Forum)


3. Group event ( virtual summit or live seminar- where feasible)




Professional conference speaking by application request will be welcomed too.


Contact Rachael Mah directly via email or telephone for a complimentary 30 minutes Strategy Consultation, valued at USD$550.


Email: RachaelM@AusAsiaTraining.com or Success@AusAsiaTraining.com




Stay safe and healthy😊


Your success is our AusAsia Success!    






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