Rachael Mah

The 5P’s For A “New Future”?

Melbourne by the Flinders Bridge

Hello to you,

wherever you are residing/working at right now (good day/good evening and good morning:)

Wow! It’s nearly the end of July 2020. As you navigate through the highs and lows of the year 2020, what is your perception of the “NEW FUTURE”?

Here are the 5P’s:

People becomes our focus as everyone’s well-being, health, safety and happiness is an important factor. We are focusing on “strict social distancing” and related good practices so that we can save lives and keep people safe and proactive (mentally, emotionally and financially) to achieve a better future and outcome regardless of their circumstances. Thus, how do each of us create more “VALUE” for each other as a family, client, business partner, employee and a boss?

Planet earth is at risk if we do not pause and save it for our current and future generations. How do we innovate and create a more sustainable future? Working remotely from home with global clients and partners have reduced travel time/cost and efforts for most of us, which have led to less pollution, wastage of big conference food and money as well as more family and personal time too.

Purpose – What is our life purpose for the future as it seems so unpredictable despite our careful annual budgets and action plans at a local community, family, work and business level? Do we have a bigger vision than for ourselves so that we can leave a ” blueprint” for our children, grandchildren and others who would equally deserve better opportunities regardless of their cultural and social background?

Prosperity – Most people chase “a prosperous venture or personal life” by focusing on their own goals and priorities? Are we doing it for a better future of our planet earth? Can we adapt effectively and swiftly to an abundant life for every one’s future generations?

Finally, do we implement the above 4P’s with strong “partnerships” (i.e. synergistic collaboration for win-win outcomes) rather than following the “ego leadership” instead of “empathetic and authentic leadership”?

Have an awesome week as we spring into the 8th month i.e. August 2020?

Mini tip: Number “8” denotes “prosperity” in the Asian culture! (LOL).

“Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness” (Lana Del Ray)

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