Rachael Mah

Are you getting ready for 2021?

We are approaching the end of the year 2020!

This will be the best time for all of us to reflect on what we have learned in the previous year and set new goals for the new year 2021. I believe that you and/or your organisational teams are preparing for the “NEW NORMAL” of a hybrid of online and offline work from home and the office environment.

As we are trying hard to normalise remote working, the COVID-19 crisis has also significantly changed the job market and it shows no sign of stopping. By 2030, to be employed, 375 million workers would have to change their occupations or acquire new skill sets that can adapt or respond well to changes (McKinsey Global report, 2017).

If that could be the “NEXT NORMAL” for all of us, what types of skills will be essential for you or your team’s career development and your job security?

As we are trying hard to normalise remote working, the COVID-19 crisis has also significantly changed the job market and it shows no sign of stopping. By 2030, to be employed, 375 million workers would have to change their occupations or acquire new skill sets that can adapt or respond well to changes (McKinsey Global report, 2017).

If that could be the “NEXT NORMAL” for all of us, what types of skills will be essential for you or your team’s career development and your job security?

The New Work Reality report estimates that future jobs will demand skills such as the complex problem solving, critical thinking and creativity 70% more than the past. Whether you are one of the many thousands of recent graduates or you are very concerned about your job security due to the pandemic, it’s time to take actions to differentiate yourself through re-evaluation and upskilling.

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